
Eco Blackout

Using room darkening shades in your bedroom, allows you to get a better night's rest and sleep in.

Care & Cleaning

A quick dusting will suffice for daily cleaning. Roll down your blinds and wipe the fabric with a duster or microfibre cloth. If your vacuum has a brush tool, use the low suction setting to remove surface dust. Doing this regularly will reduce the need for more frequent blind cleaning. For stains & spots apply a mild or diluted, non-abrasive cleaning product to a damp cloth and gently work this into the blind. For optimal results, clean the stain as soon as you notice it. Once the stain is gone, allow your blinds to completely dry before rolling them up.

Product Details

Blackout blinds are the most desirable window treatment option when you need the maximum amount of light blockage, such as in home theatres, living rooms, baby nurseries, home offices, dark rooms for photographers, and of course bedrooms. Using room darkening shades in your bedroom, allows you to get a better night's rest and sleep in. Blackout roller shades also help you lower your electric bill by approximately 25% by blocking the harmful UV rays during the summer months and storing your home's heat during the winter months.